Monday, October 17, 2011


 This crazy life is so beautiful. You think about the things that everyone everywhere are doing and it is almost mind boggling. Goal as of today...FOCUS !!! on myself, my family and relationship, my goals, my cleanliness, my school, my job, my life!! My life is mine. I choose how it works out. the end. period. no questions? So, why at times do we feel the need to do and think and act for OTHERS????? They shouldn't be why we wake up in the morning and get ready and work on our fitness! We should do those things because we want to great the day with a smile and encourage ourselves to make the most of it. You don't have a job? Find one! You don't have time for anything? Make it? You spend all your money on crap? Save it. Life would be a lot different if we truly were our own authors and did as we please! So, goal today? FOCUS ON YOURSELF,YOUR LIFE, YOUR HAPPINESS!!!
And that's how I really feel

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Yeah I give up for the moment on making my blog a little cuter and reader friendly! It is annoying and I don't like so I'm not going to work on it anymore for the time being because I don't have to!!!!!
And that's how I really feel

Friday, December 31, 2010

Back where I started...

Another year gone by. Now a new set of resolutions. What will I accomplish this year. What am I going o leave behind and what is going to prosper this coming year. 2010 Was full of hope love laughter, but also devestation and growth. I've learned a lot this year, but now that it's ending I am fearful of what is to come in the new year. Am I going to make the right decisions am I going to become a better person or just sit here and stay the same analyzing what I do and not changinig anything. Complain about the things I don't have and foret to be grateful for what I do. What kind of person have I become in 2010 and what kind of person am I going to become in 2011? we will find out
And that's how I really feel

Monday, September 6, 2010

Courage like a Lion

Courage. Courage is one of the hardest things we do in life. Having the courage to tell someone something that you don't want to do is incredibly hard. Having courage to risk your life for someone or your country is very respectable. Having courage to say "no" and stick up for yourself is rewarding. Courage has a lot of meanings. People who show courage and walk through a hall of shame to make things right are amazing people. I want to thank people for the courage that they show from day to day. Courage is how you know someone is a good person. Am I a good person? I try. Do I have courage and show it? I'm starting to. Letting down your pride takes courage and I think I have had one LONG month of courageous moments that have changed my life immensely and I realized that I have become stronger. I've had to put things on the table for various people knowing the judgement I might receive, but I did it anyway. Life is good. There are hard times, but always following are the good times. I am grateful for opposition in all things so I can take the time to realize when I am happy and feeling good. I'm grateful for the hard times, for they have made me who I am. And so far I think I'm doing pretty ok. Life is a matter of the choices you make and the people you surround yourself with. forget about the people who hurt you and treat you like crap. Remember the ones that have left a little footprint in your heart guiding you to love and respect yourself. I am blessed with many people in my life that have been very supportive and encouraging of my choices loving me no matter what. I have a good life!!!

And that's how I really feel

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Really America Really?

you know what really gets me upset? How people feel like they can treat others like they are scum. Something in descussion recently are two major topics: immigrants and homosexuals.

IMMIGRANTS: As far as I'm concerned this is AMERICA! Land of the free home of the brave. People have been coming here for years for a better opportunity. Yes, most are from South American countries and of Hispanic decent, but none the less this country is for opportunity. I feel like if someone is here trying to better their life and going through the correct process to do so, then they are putting for the effort to become a LEGAL citizen of this country. So, when say someone has been here for 20 years on a work visa and tries to get that visa renewed and is denied because Americans should have the opportunity to have jobs. Don't you think at that point we should be looking at the process it takes to become a legal citizen of this country? No, America is perfect and it's all the illegals here that are destroying it. WRONG. It's the process of citizenship being difficult as well as Americans being racial in all sorts of ways and assuming that all Hispanics are illegal that is destroying this country. There are good and bad types of people from all cultures. It isn't fair to pin-point just one race that is causing issues. I know of quite a few caucasians that are causing if not the same amount, but more problems and they are "Legal". We can't point fingers and pick and choose who we feel is allowed to be here. It is suppose to be a relief to live here and I'm starting to feel the prison walls rising!!

HOMOSEXUALS: Here's my deal with this situation. Everyone deserves happiness. We are not to choose who is going to be happy and how. We are given that choice to make ourselves. Who cares that gays (What I'll use for a general discription of Homosexuals...if that's ok)like the same sex. I feel like they are doing no harm to anyone. And how about people saying they are ruining the sacredness of marriage. Really?? Is that why over half of the "straight" population is divorced or in unhappy marriages. Because gays are ruining that. I don't think so. "Straight" people are making a mockery of marriage more so than "Gays". Like the group of so-called "Mormons" who go to Vegas, get hitched, have sex, and then get an anullment. Isn't that bringing disgrace to the sacredness of marriage. Yeah I think so. Anyhow, people are going to do whatever they want anyhow.

So in conclusion to this rant I would just like to say that

My GOD loves all His children: Gay, straight, rich, poor, legal, illegal, black, white, mexican, chinese, humble, and self-righteous!
And that's how I really feel

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mr. Negativity, but not you of course...

I love when people are criticizing everything around you, but then say "I'm glad I met you. You are nothing like these other people in your work enviornment." Seriously? You don't think I like the people that i work with and that I feel like they are all stupid, or are you secretly saying the same things about me while trying to get something out of me that you want? neither one is going ot work for you mister. Sorry that you got here so late that you had a crappy room. woke up late so there for crappy food. It's not cheap enough. No one is educated enough. BLAH BLAH BLAH. My other favorite is cheap people pretending to be high rollers and acting like I'm going to be so cool if I cut them a deal. First of all. If you are as rich and cool as you think you are spending an extra $10 shouldn't be fit-throwing worthy.JS. And quite frankly I don't feel like I have to like anybody that walks through my hotel doors. If they are nice sure. But if they are so ridiculously rude and inconsiderate of a human's feelings not so sure I am capable of appreciating their business. My fake smile says otherwise of course.

Now for amazing people. This couple has stayed at my hotel for 2 weeks and they travel with children with speech problems and help them cope with them. They were so friendly and nice to everyone and never had one complaint the wintire two weeks of staying here. How do people stay one night and have the entire hotel and staff picked apart and want to swing a comp on breakfast or their room, but a couple can come here for two weeks and they only thing they would change is the length of their stay to longer. 

If everyone took a moment to be a little more understanding and try to figure out why someone did or said something instead of blaming everyone just to get a head I think or world would be a lot different. I don't think people give the benefit-of-the-doubt as often as they should. People make mistakes and they aren't perfect, but that's no reason to completely shred someones self-assurance or confidence.
And that's how I really feel

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So i have slacked on writing my blog since the first week I made it. No bueno! And today while working I realized that I do follow a lot of blogs. I find them interesting and entertaining and I figured if I could write my own blog more often it would take up more time! I might have a lot of things to say about stupid people saying or doing stupid stuff because I will be writing a lot of it at work where most of these stupid people say and do most of the stupid stuff. Like today some guy calls wanting a specific room in a specific place with the blinds closed the AC turned to 65 and room service ready to deliver by the time he gets here. If I had all 150 guests that acted like that I probably would have 150 very displeased guests. Just saying. And I usually wonder to myself why people act like they are better or more superior than me. What if I was this city's greatest asset and they just treated me like crap? Would they feel bad, apologize, make it up to me? No! Probably not because they feel that for some reason I would have deserved to be treated like that where as they do not! WHAT??? I don't think so. I wonder what it would be like to be a complete snob for a day demanding ridiculous request from anyone and everyone just because I think I can. I bet I would feel so crappy by the end of the day that it wouldn't have been worth it. So I think I will just keep being my sweet self. complain about stupid people on here and be done with it. On to bigger and better things!